Green Packaging

Not all packaging is made equal!

To reduce energy use and minimize undesirable negative impacts of packaging on the environment, ZENXIN Organic uses green packaging, or sustainable packaging on produce, these include environmentally friendly, biodegradable and recyclable materials such as bioplastics, or plant-based plastics, recycled paper and plastics.

Read on to find out more about ZENXIN’s efforts to greening the environment!

1. Compostable Cellulose Net

Certified with ‘OK compost’ conformity mark by TUV Austria, this cellulose net is 100% compostable in the home or industrial composting environment. In other words, the net is able to disintegrate completely into carbon dioxide, water and biomass, which can be turned into valuable compost in 6 months under an industrial composting environment.

2. PLA-Laminated Paper Tray and 100% Paper Tray 

Polylactic acid (PLA) plastic is derived from renewable resources or biomass such as corn, sugar cane, cassava etc, making it a more sustainable alternative than the traditional petroleum-based plastic. When incinerated, the PLA does not give off toxic fume emission. ZENXIN is also using a new type of paper tray to pack fresh produce, these newly introduced 100% paper made trays have the ability to store produce firmly even with heavy moisture.

3. Biodegradable Tape

Made from biodegradable film and adhesive, this tape is biodegradable, recyclable and non-toxic to the environment. Compared to the PVC film, usage of the biodegradable tape can reduce 65% of non-degradable plastic that could end up in landfill or oceans.


By the above efforts, ZENXIN is able to achieve 70-80% reduction in plastic usage. ZENXIN’s green efforts do not end here, on our way to making the planet healthier, we are actively exploring many other sustainable packaging options, especially for leafy vegetables which are fragile and susceptible to moisture loss. 

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